Handley Drive sells to the wholesale trade. By placing and order with us, you affirm that you are a valid retail or design business making wholesale tax exempt purchases for resale and that you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
Wholesale prices are listed by item number and are priced in US dollars. Prices are subject to change without notice.
You may place your order through your local sales representative or directly via email at info@handleydrive.com or fax at 972.402.5625.
Once we receive your order, you will receive a confirmation email from us.
There is a minimum $1000 opening order for all new accounts. All subsequent orders have NO minimum reorder amount.
In-stock items are processed and shipped within 7-10 business days. Out-of-stock items are placed on back order and will ship as available. Lead times vary with out-of-stock items, but we can provide estimated ship times as requested.
BACK ORDERS: We ship “As Available”, meaning that any item not available at the time of shipment will be placed on back order and will be shipped separately. If you do not want your product back order, YOU MUST SUBMIT A CANCELLATION VIA EMAIL OR FAX PRIOR TO SHIPPING.
SHIPMENT OF ORDERS: In order to process and ship the following information MUST be on the sales order: Bill to address, Ship to Address with phone number for delivery, payment information, and email address. Orders will be placed on hold and will not ship until all information is provided.
SHIP COMPLETE/FUTURE SHIP DATES: We cannot honor ship complete dates. Should you request a future ship date for your order, please note that we do not hold product and therefore cannot guarantee that product will be on the requested date.
CANCELLATIONS: If you wish to cancel and order, you must do so IN WRITING PRIOR TO SHIPPING via email or fax. Once we receive your cancellation, we will confirm the cancellation and provide you with a unique cancellation number.
In the event that your order ships before you cancel it, you will be responsible for all transportation costs to and from as well as a restocking fee.
All first time orders must be accompanied by a credit card. We accept Visa, Master Card, and American Express. Credit cards must be the company’s card or the primary buyer/owner. Handley Drive does not accept 3rd party credit cards. Credit cards will be processed 1 to 5 business in advance of shipping as the order is being processed.
We highly discourage the use of debit cards. By using a such cards as a form of payment, you assume all risk and fees, withdraws and overdrafts associated with use of the card. Handley Drive will not accept any liability.
TERMS: Net 30 terms may be requested by anyone who has completed 3 orders via credit card, our credit application and who are in good standing with Lyons Credit. Net 30 accounts are due 30 days from the date of invoice, not the date of product receipt.